Thursday 02/04/10

Time: 8:30 p.m.

Skill work:
Kipping Pull-ups

Push Jerk
5 x 5

Compare to 11/04/09.

10 minute AMRAP of:
12 Front Squats
12 Burpees
Inspiration for this WOD goes to CrossFit Omaha.


Lori Newburn said...

Push Jerk
5 x 5
5 * 45
5 * 55
5 * 60
3 * 65 -stopped-scraping neck
2 * 65 - same

10 minute AMRAP of:
12 Front Squats
12 Burpees

3 rounds +
front squats
+ 4 burpees

Lori G. said...

push jerk 5x5

30-5, 45-5, 55-1-f-2-f, 55-5, 60-3-f

10 min AMRAP 12 front squats and
12 burpees

4 rounds 1 squat
45# bar and squat to 8-9 medicine ball