Wondering what some of those abbreviations and acronyms mean? Here's a list of some common ones:
1 pood = 16 kg (approximately 35#)
1.5 pood = 24 kg (approximately 55#)
2 pood = 32 kg (approximately 70#)
AFAP = As Fast As Possible
ALAP = As Long As Possible
AMRAP = As Many Rounds As Possible
AMREAP = As Many REps As Possible
Burp-up = 1 Burpee + 1 Pull-up. Don't clap your hands during the jump - just jump up to the pull-up bar and start the pull-up.
BW = Bodyweight
BWU = Burgener Warm-up
CF = CrossFit
CFE = CrossFit Endurance
CTB = Chest-To-Bar
DB = Dumbbell
EMOM = Every Minute On the Minute
GHD = Glute-Ham Developer
HSPU = Handstand Push-up
KB = Kettlebell
KTE = Knees-to-Elbows
MSR = Main Site Rest (a rest day on www.crossfit.com)
OHS = Overhead Squat
SDHP = Sumo Deadlift High Pull
WOD = Workout Of the Day
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