Wednesday 02/03/10

Time: 6:00 p.m.

5 x 5

3 rounds for time of:
Standing Broad Jumps - 60'
21 KB Swings
24 Push-ups
Inspiration for this WOD goes to CrossFit Football


Kiley said...

I'm going to have a new "no post" penalty starting Thursday night, so get yer posts up, people! =)

Also, GREAT work on the cleans last night, and the intensity in the metcon was just awesome! Keep showing up and doing the'll pay off!

Lori Newburn said...

Cleans 5 x 5:
5 * 30
5 * 30
5 * 35
5 * 45
5 * 50

3 rounds for time of:
Standing Broad Jumps - 60'
21 KB Swings -30#
24 Push-ups


That was a killer