Wednesday 11/11/09

Time: 6:30 p.m.

"Filthy 50"
For time:
50 Box jump, 24"/18"
50 Jumping pull-ups
50 KB swings, 1 pood (guys and girls)
Walking Lunge, 50 steps
50 KTE
50 Push press, 45#
50 Back extensions
50 Wall Ball, 20#/15#
50 Burpees
50 Double-unders

We'll discuss the subs for KTE (knees-to-elbows) and back extensions during class. Also, we will be staggering our starts for this WOD. Athletes will be grouped into 2 or 3 groups, and each group will have a separate start time - this will help reduce congestion with certain pieces of equipment.


cindy c said...

Hey Phil Tori and I (cindy) won't be able to make it She is helping with confirmation and I have a teacher planning meeting 6:30 to 8 BUMMER!!!

Amy Schwarting said...

VERY 'Filthy 50'
50 reps each for time of 30 min:
box jumps 18"
jumping pullups 1 mat + 18" box
KB swings 25# DB
sit ups
push press 45#
back extension
wall ball 10#
burpees (did 11)
didn't finish burpees or double unders.

Terry Buck said...
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Terry Buck said...

Filthy 50"
For time:30 min
50 Box jump, 24"/18"-modified
50 Jumping pull-ups- 24" + 1 mat
50 KB swings,- 20 lbs.
Walking Lunge,- 50 steps
50 Push press,- 12 lbs.
50 Back extensions- didn't do
50 Wall Ball, 20#/15#-yellow ball
50 Burpees-15 for me
50 Double-unders- 0
It was Filthy but not as Filthy as I thought it was going to be!!!!!

jeni said...

Great workout!
Filthy 50
50 reps each for time of 30min.
box jump 25-18" and 25-12"
jumping pullups-30" and 2/3mat
KB swing-25#
sit ups
push press-45#
back ext. 10"
wall ball-9# I don't think I made any to the mark
double unders-0

Thanks for all the support Phil and Kiley.

Lori Plummer said...

box jumps 12"
jumping pull ups 1 mat 18"
KB swings 15#
sit ups
push press 35#
back extension
wall ball 5# 15 reps
didn't finish burpees or dbl unders

Sharon Z. said...

Filthy 50 for 30 mins.
50 box jumps on 12" - 20 jump, 30 step up
50 jumping pull ups - 30" w/ 2/3 mat
50 KB swings - 20 at 25#, 30 at 15#
50 Lunges
50 Sit ups
50 Push Press - 20 at 12#, 30 at 45#
50 Back Extensions
50 Wall Ball - Only got 20 of yellow ball
Didn't do:
50 Burpees
50 Double unders
This makes an older body feel it the next day!

Phil said...

Just wanted to point out that you all did great with this workout. It can be a grinder, and you all went at it!

Unknown said...

FILTHY 50 is right
30 min 50 reps each
box jumps - actually step ups 12"
jumping pullups 1 2/3 mat 24 inch box
KB swings 25# DB
sit-ups - only 35
push press - orange pvc
wall ball - 5 to 6# - only 13
no back extensions or burpees
49 single unders with only one double under