Saturday 11/07/09

Time: 7:00 a.m.
(please arrive 10 minutes early as usual)

Today's WOD will depend on which weekday class you did not attend. If you missed on Thursday evening, it will be the Baseline Metcon (posted below). This is the very first workout we did, and those of you who have done this one before will find you have made significant progress since the last time you did it. For those of you who are newer, this is a great initial measuring stick, and we'll do it again in the future to measure progress.

Baseline Metcon
For time:
200 m run
Then 15-12-9 reps for time of:
200m run


Gail Klemp said...

push jerk 5x5
warm up 1x5-45#
1x5 50#
2x5 55#
3x5 60#
4x5 65#
5x5 70#
*working on really jumping & straight arms
WOD 12 min cap
20 burpees
1 bear crawl
30 double unders (I am pretty sure I didn't do 30 DU, but did 30 singles and some DU)
1 bear crawl
20 burpees
1 bear crawl
30 DU (I did 14 DU and a lot of singles and failed many times in between!) =blister

Lori Newburn said...

back squat 5X5
1 * 5 12#
2 * 5 30#
3 * 5 30#
4 * 5 45#
5 * 5 45#
6 * 5 45#
reps 1 thru 5 w/2-45# under medicine ball
rep 6 w/1-45# and 1-25# under

10 min AMRAP:
10 1-arm DB hang power snatch
20 situps
1 down & back

(did 3 reps less half basketball court)

Lori G. said...

baseline metcon
(original date 9/12/09 time 11:31 with 24"box & 1 mat, squating to a blue medicine ball...dying on the push-ups!)

Today: 18" box &1 1/3 mat time 8:46

Lori G. said...

Oh yeah....3 continuous double unders!!!

Unknown said...

Baseline metcon
I can't remember my time....I think I was about 20 seconds behind was 9 minutes and 46 seconds I think
Squats done on two 10 pound weights and the blue ball
pull - ups on 1 2/3 mats and 24 inch block

also in warm-up I did two double unders - yayy!

Karen said...

back squat 5X5
1 * 5 12#
2 * 5 30#
3 * 5 30#
4 * 5 45#
5 * 5 45#
6 * 5 45#
200 m
200 m
Time: 8:46